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 At Ben Shemen 400 children and youth ages 6-18 experience being part of Israeli society in every way.

We invite you to be part of that success!

The Ben Shemen Youth Village

The Ben Shemen Youth Village was founded in 1927 and is located in the Modi'in Regional Council, surrounded by open spaces and a rural atmosphere.

The Village has an extensive heritage of quality education, innovative agriculture, and social values "education with a taste of yesteryear". The Village is proud of its graduates who prosper in Israel and around the world, and is a leader in education.

כפ הנוער- אודות
חץ למטה נע

Studies and Education 

Quality education and extensive educational activities lead to impressive results and achievements. Individual education plans, small classes, an intimate attitude, a leading team of educators, along with a supportive learning center allow each student to maximize his or her personal abilities for excellence and a 95 percent success rate in eligibility for quality matriculation certificates.

תמונה של בית הספר בכפר הנוער בן שמן
תמונה של המגורים בפנימייה בכפר הנוער בן שמן

Living in the Village

Friends, classes, pampering residences and a lot of joint social action characterize the rich educational community in Ben Shemen.


A social program along with a variety of enrichment and excellence classes diversify the leisure hours of the village students.

“This place is a home without a doubt.
A house of dreams "

Danielle Aviv, Counselor


The Farm

The agricultural farm at Ben Shemen, combines agricultural tradition with innovation and futurism. The village has an elaborate hydroponic greenhouse, advanced chicken coops and even horse stables for the persistent riders. Ornamental gardening, cows, field crops, a petting zoo and more, the fun of nature as part of the curriculum.

נערה על גב נער מחייכים באמצע שדה מלא שמש- כפר הנוער בן שמן

Our Stories

Everyone in the Village has a story -students, staff and graduates. Our stories are intertwined, and tell the story that is Ben Shemen Youth Village. Get to know us and our stories.

Support US

Every donation, small or large, allows us to upgrade the quality of life of our students.

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